Speaking Arabic book 1
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

Speaking Arabic book 1

For beginner learners


The first of 4 books, lessons 1-15.

[audio mp3="https://minerva-books.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/speaking-arabic-book-1.mp3"][/audio]
Speaking Arabic book 1
תצוגה מהירה

Speaking Arabic book 1

For beginner learners


The first of 4 books, lessons 1-15.

[audio mp3="https://minerva-books.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/speaking-arabic-book-1.mp3"][/audio]
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
Speaking Arabic book 2
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

Speaking Arabic book 2

For beginner learners


Book 2 of 4, lessons 16-30.

Speaking Arabic book 2
תצוגה מהירה

Speaking Arabic book 2

For beginner learners


Book 2 of 4, lessons 16-30.

הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
Speaking Arabic book 3
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

Speaking Arabic book 3

for advanced learners


Book 3 of 4, lessons 31-40.

Speaking Arabic book 3
תצוגה מהירה

Speaking Arabic book 3

for advanced learners


Book 3 of 4, lessons 31-40.

הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
Speaking Arabic book 4
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

Speaking Arabic book 4

For advanced learners


Book 4 of 4, lessons 41-50

Speaking Arabic book 4
תצוגה מהירה

Speaking Arabic book 4

For advanced learners


Book 4 of 4, lessons 41-50

הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
Pocket Dictionary
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

English-Arabic Pocket Dictionary

of Conversational Palestinian Arabic


A handy companion for the Arabic learner

1000 words and 1500 sentences

Pocket Dictionary
תצוגה מהירה

English-Arabic Pocket Dictionary

of Conversational Palestinian Arabic


A handy companion for the Arabic learner

1000 words and 1500 sentences

הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
אזל מהמלאי
il-’amir le-zghir
תצוגה מהירה

il-’amir le-zghir

The little prince


The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, in spoken Arabic with transcription, transliteration, and audio files.

אזל מהמלאי
il-’amir le-zghir
תצוגה מהירה

il-’amir le-zghir

The little prince


The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, in spoken Arabic with transcription, transliteration, and audio files.

The Olive Tree Dictionary
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

The Olive Tree Dictionary

A Transliterated Dictionary of Conversational Palestinian Arabic


A 784-page resource with 9,000 entries and 17,000 phrases, designed for English speakers to master colloquial Arabic through phonetic transliteration and authentic examples.

The Olive Tree Dictionary
תצוגה מהירה

The Olive Tree Dictionary

A Transliterated Dictionary of Conversational Palestinian Arabic


A 784-page resource with 9,000 entries and 17,000 phrases, designed for English speakers to master colloquial Arabic through phonetic transliteration and authentic examples.

הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
Min Taq Taq
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

Min Taq Taq

A collection of Arabic idioms


More than 1,800 unique Arabic idioms in the Palestinian colloquial (spoken) dialect.

Min Taq Taq
תצוגה מהירה

Min Taq Taq

A collection of Arabic idioms


More than 1,800 unique Arabic idioms in the Palestinian colloquial (spoken) dialect.

הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

Tales of the Wadi

Arab folktales from Wadi Ara


by J. Meron and R. Kabha

Accompanied by a narration of the stories in Arabic.

תצוגה מהירה

Tales of the Wadi

Arab folktales from Wadi Ara


by J. Meron and R. Kabha

Accompanied by a narration of the stories in Arabic.

הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות


Traditional Arab Folk Songs


Listen to a song from the book:

[audio mp3="https://minerva-books.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/il-bustan.mp3"][/audio]
תצוגה מהירה


Traditional Arab Folk Songs


Listen to a song from the book:

[audio mp3="https://minerva-books.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/il-bustan.mp3"][/audio]
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

Parlons l’arabe

 Cours D’arabe Parle Oriental (Palestinien) by J. Elihay

המחיר המקורי היה: 352 ₪.המחיר הנוכחי הוא: 320 ₪.

A companion for the Arabic learner

Fichier audio du tome 1:

[audio mp3="http://minerva-books.com/speaking_arabic_a.mp3"][/audio]
תצוגה מהירה

Parlons l’arabe

 Cours D’arabe Parle Oriental (Palestinien) by J. Elihay

המחיר המקורי היה: 352 ₪.המחיר הנוכחי הוא: 320 ₪.

A companion for the Arabic learner

Fichier audio du tome 1:

[audio mp3="http://minerva-books.com/speaking_arabic_a.mp3"][/audio]
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

Living Hebrew

Hebrew for English speakers

You finish the ulpan, you begin speaking Hebrew – only to find yourself stumbling over each verb.
Hebrew is an easy language with difficult verbs. This book and the accompanying discs allow you to hear 4000 every-day phrases, which cover all the different Hebrew verb-forms, in order of ascending difficulty – from the simplest (No. 1) to the most complicated (No. 490).
One page a day and in 4 months you will be using the verbs with ease. You will also have heard thousands of words and useful phrases – which you might otherwise only come across here and there, over several years.
The course also exists in a version for French and Russian speakers, thousands of whom have already profited from using the book – which will remain a handy companion for years to come.

295 pages, softcover

by J. Elihay


תצוגה מהירה

Living Hebrew

Hebrew for English speakers

You finish the ulpan, you begin speaking Hebrew – only to find yourself stumbling over each verb.
Hebrew is an easy language with difficult verbs. This book and the accompanying discs allow you to hear 4000 every-day phrases, which cover all the different Hebrew verb-forms, in order of ascending difficulty – from the simplest (No. 1) to the most complicated (No. 490).
One page a day and in 4 months you will be using the verbs with ease. You will also have heard thousands of words and useful phrases – which you might otherwise only come across here and there, over several years.
The course also exists in a version for French and Russian speakers, thousands of whom have already profited from using the book – which will remain a handy companion for years to come.

295 pages, softcover

by J. Elihay


הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

Living Hebrew (Finnish)

Hebrew for Finnish Speakers


Uutuus suomalaisille heprean opiskelijoille!

Opiskeltuasi muutaman heprean alkeiskurssin tai käytyäsi ulppaanin olet saattanut huomata, että verbien taivutus tuottaa edelleen vaikeuksia. Heprea on helppo kieli, mutta sen verbit ovat vaikeita.

Käsissäsi olevan kirjan ja siihen kuuluvien CD-levyjen avulla voit tutustua 4 000 lauseeseen, jotka liittyvät jokapäiväiseen elämään. Lauseet on äänitetty neljän aikuisen ja kolmen lapsen toimesta. Kirja ja CD-levyt kattavat tiettyjen verbien kaikki taivutusmuodot helpoimmista (nro 1) aina vaikeimpiin (nro 490) asti. Kurssi on äänitetty neljälle CD-levylle, joiden yhteinen kuunteluaika on neljä tuntia.

Jos luet yhden sivun päivässä ja kuuntelet siihen liittyvän materiaalin, opit käyttämään heprean verbejä helposti ja luontevasti jo neljässä kuukaudessa. Samalla tutustut myös tuhansiin muihin sanoihin, joita et olisi kuullut tai nähnyt kirjoitettuina kuin vain monen vuoden kuluessa.

Aiemmin kyseinen kurssi on ollut saatavilla ranskan, englannin ja venäjän kielellä, ja nyt se julkaistaan ensimmäistä

kertaa suomeksi.

by J. Elihay

294 pages, softcover

תצוגה מהירה

Living Hebrew (Finnish)

Hebrew for Finnish Speakers


Uutuus suomalaisille heprean opiskelijoille!

Opiskeltuasi muutaman heprean alkeiskurssin tai käytyäsi ulppaanin olet saattanut huomata, että verbien taivutus tuottaa edelleen vaikeuksia. Heprea on helppo kieli, mutta sen verbit ovat vaikeita.

Käsissäsi olevan kirjan ja siihen kuuluvien CD-levyjen avulla voit tutustua 4 000 lauseeseen, jotka liittyvät jokapäiväiseen elämään. Lauseet on äänitetty neljän aikuisen ja kolmen lapsen toimesta. Kirja ja CD-levyt kattavat tiettyjen verbien kaikki taivutusmuodot helpoimmista (nro 1) aina vaikeimpiin (nro 490) asti. Kurssi on äänitetty neljälle CD-levylle, joiden yhteinen kuunteluaika on neljä tuntia.

Jos luet yhden sivun päivässä ja kuuntelet siihen liittyvän materiaalin, opit käyttämään heprean verbejä helposti ja luontevasti jo neljässä kuukaudessa. Samalla tutustut myös tuhansiin muihin sanoihin, joita et olisi kuullut tai nähnyt kirjoitettuina kuin vain monen vuoden kuluessa.

Aiemmin kyseinen kurssi on ollut saatavilla ranskan, englannin ja venäjän kielellä, ja nyt se julkaistaan ensimmäistä

kertaa suomeksi.

by J. Elihay

294 pages, softcover

הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

Living Hebrew (Français)

Hebrew for French speakers


You finish the ulpan, you begin speaking Hebrew – only to find yourself stumbling over each verb.

Hebrew is an easy language with difficult verbs. This book and the accompanying discs allow you to hear 4000 every-day phrases, which cover all the different Hebrew verb-forms, in order of ascending difficulty – from the simplest (No. 1) to the most complicated (No. 490).

One page a day and in 4 months you will be using the verbs with ease. You will also have heard thousands of words and useful phrases – which you might otherwise only come across here and there, over several years.

thousands of speakers have already profited from using the book – which will remain a handy companion for years to

by J. Elihay

294 pages, softcover

תצוגה מהירה

Living Hebrew (Français)

Hebrew for French speakers


You finish the ulpan, you begin speaking Hebrew – only to find yourself stumbling over each verb.

Hebrew is an easy language with difficult verbs. This book and the accompanying discs allow you to hear 4000 every-day phrases, which cover all the different Hebrew verb-forms, in order of ascending difficulty – from the simplest (No. 1) to the most complicated (No. 490).

One page a day and in 4 months you will be using the verbs with ease. You will also have heard thousands of words and useful phrases – which you might otherwise only come across here and there, over several years.

thousands of speakers have already profited from using the book – which will remain a handy companion for years to

by J. Elihay

294 pages, softcover

הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
Man, State and Society in the Contemporary Middle East
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

Man, State and Society in the Contemporary Middle East


An essential reader in Contemporary ME research, Edited by Prof. Jacob M. Landau

This work, published in 1972, is an objective introduction to the social, political, and cultural changes that took place in the Middle East in the years after the Second World War. It includes papers by some of the most distinguished scholars in the field as well as personal accounts by insightful observers living in the area. It includes articles on such topics as Arab socialism and nationalism, religious communities, ethnic minorities, women in Arab society, education, and many more. (from publisher's website)

Man, State and Society in the Contemporary Middle East
תצוגה מהירה

Man, State and Society in the Contemporary Middle East


An essential reader in Contemporary ME research, Edited by Prof. Jacob M. Landau

This work, published in 1972, is an objective introduction to the social, political, and cultural changes that took place in the Middle East in the years after the Second World War. It includes papers by some of the most distinguished scholars in the field as well as personal accounts by insightful observers living in the area. It includes articles on such topics as Arab socialism and nationalism, religious communities, ethnic minorities, women in Arab society, education, and many more. (from publisher's website)

הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
תצוגה מהירה
הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות

Political Elites in the Middle East

Edited by George Lenczowski


Published by The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington D.C. 1975

Political Elites in the Middle East bring together nine leading area experts in a detailed examination of the elites making decisions vital to the prospects for peace and prosperity in both the Middle East and the world.

this book probes the origins, history, composition, structure, and policies of the elites of four leading Arab states, Israel, and of two non-Arab Muslim states of Iran and Turkey.

תצוגה מהירה

Political Elites in the Middle East

Edited by George Lenczowski


Published by The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington D.C. 1975

Political Elites in the Middle East bring together nine leading area experts in a detailed examination of the elites making decisions vital to the prospects for peace and prosperity in both the Middle East and the world.

this book probes the origins, history, composition, structure, and policies of the elites of four leading Arab states, Israel, and of two non-Arab Muslim states of Iran and Turkey.

הוספה לסלהצגת סל קניות
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